Mount and blade warband marriage guide
Mount and blade warband marriage guide

If you wish to deactivate cheat menu, simply type in “nocheatmenu”. Once you’ve done that, press (Ctrl + ~) and type in ‘cheatmenu’ without apostrophe. What you need to do is to change its value to 1. Theoretically everything should work fine however I am relying on feedback from users to pick up on any errors I have not experienced myself in play.Once there, open up “engine_config.txt” with Notepad++ or Notepad and look for “cheatgmode = 0”. gdwitt has made the source files available for his version, which is the best looking and most feature filled version of Brytenwalda. It is the ideal Dark Ages setting, and in my opinion better than Viking Conquest. Male lords do not seem to profess admiration for male character and they do not make proposals of marriage īrytenwalda has been one of the best mods for Warband.

mount and blade warband marriage guide

Errors indicating that lines of script/code contain illegal characters (this is not the case and they will work fine) V0.1 - males can ask to marry male lords or their female offspring, females can ask to marry either the lord or one of their female offspring, localisation improvements to accommodate changes V0.2 - updated courtship scripts for females add gender bool change to camp menu in case anyone gets stuck reinforcement waves increased to 10 to offset problems with battle losses even when more troops are available (in theory this should prevent 700 vs 200 from losing the initial battle, subsequent battles may still be necessary) Once the base version is installed copy and paste these files into your module folder, which should overwrite 31 files. Please also see the Brytenwalda Reworked page on the TaleWorlds forum for additional support in relation to installation and set up of Brytenwalda Reworked. You will need gdwitt's excellent Brytenwalda Reworked which is available here The Warband version by Inbetween (which has additional features) is available here Please note that this is not for Warband. Localisation has been improved to accommodate these changes.

mount and blade warband marriage guide mount and blade warband marriage guide mount and blade warband marriage guide

Female characters will be able to court ladies. Male characters will be able to propose marriages to male lords. Inspired and made possible by Same Sex Marriage for Warband this mod will open up marriage options for male and female characters.

Mount and blade warband marriage guide